Emergency Procedures

Fire and Evacuation Procedures - (Code Red)

Fire Safety Procedures - If you discover fire do the following RACE:

Rescue…….yourself and others from the immediate danger of the fire.

Alert…….…Your Staff

  • Call Security at 911. Give the exact location, type, and size of the fire. In the event of an actual fire Security will dispatch the Fire Department.
  • Activate a fire pull station. The alarm will notify the other occupants of the floor, the floors directly above and below, and is received in the security department.
  • When the alarm sounds, evacuation procedures should begin immediately and the Office Managers should implement their evacuation plan.
Confine ….…Close the door and windows to the room of origin.

Extinguish.....If the fire is small and confined, such as in a trash can, locate the nearest Fire Extinguisher.

Never attempt to fight a fire unless you:

Know how to operate the fire extinguisher equipment,
Have the appropriate type of extinguisher,
Determine that the fire is small, and
Have access to an exit if you fail to put the fire out

Never attempt to fight a fire unless you:

Know how to operate the fire extinguisher equipment,
Have the appropriate type of extinguisher,
Determine that the fire is small, and
Have access to an exit if you fail to put the fire out

To use a Fire Extinguisher - PASS
Pull…….the pin from the handle
Aim……..the extinguisher at the base of the fire
Squeeze…the handle
Sweep…..from side to side

Call 911

Shut all doors to the fire area
Use portable fire extinguisher if appropriate
Proceed to stairwell
Evacuate fire area/your floor
Gather at designated area. please click here for Evacuation Routes and Fire Pull Stations


Attempt to extinguish the fire before calling 911 unless the fire is very small

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Building or Floor Evacuation Procedures:

The decisions to evacuate a building and/or floor is made by Building Management until the Fire Department arrives and takes over all operations. All evacuation routes include preferred “assembly areas”. Tenants and their staff should be familiar with their respective Evacuation Routes and Assembly Areas:

Please click here for: Evacuation Routes and Fire Pull Stations for your building and floors.
Please click here for: Evacuation Assembly Areas

During an Evacuation:


Know, in advance, the established evacuation route for your floor/suite
Stay Calm and limit conversation
Notify Security immediately at 911 if you have an occupant who is disabled and needs assistance evacuating
Make a note of all occupants within the suite at the time of the emergency
Close the door(s) of your office as you leave the suite
If possible, check each office, restroom, file rooms, and storage areas within the suite
Form an evacuation line
Use the Stairwell to evacuate the Building. Stay to the right, if possible making room for emergency responders who might be coming up the stairwell. Be prepared to merge with other people evacuating the building
Use handrails in the stairwells
Once evacuated, and in the assembly area, verify that you have accounted for all occupants of your suite.


Once you have left your suite do not return for personal items such as a coat or purse
Run or create a panic
Do not return to the office until you hear an announcement to do so by Building Management or the Fire Department.

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